Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Up with Ulpan

This week, Noah and I started ulpan. Ulpan is a school for kids who move here or who are visiting and want to learn Hebrew. It's really fun. Since we went to Weizmann Day School, we know what's going on and can follow everything. Thank you so much Weizmann! Anyway, ulpan is right by our apartment. Since we started, we've been walking. Now, we can walk by ourselves. In the ulpan, kids speak many different languages. There's French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Italian, English, and we are all learning Hebrew. Most of the kids speak English, French, or Russian. It's interesting to hear all of them. The ulpan only lasts for a couple of hours, so it's not exactly like a school. Ulpan is a great place to learn Hebrew and maybe when we come home, we'll be speaking like Israelis. Yalla, bye!

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